Archive for October, 2012


Pic of the Day: “I don’t believe that story about Josey Wales.” “You don’t?” “No, sir, I don’t. I don’t believe no five pistoleros can do in Josey Wales.” “Maybe it was six. Could’ve even been ten.” “I think he’s still alive.” “Alive? No sir.” “I think I’ll go down to Mexico, and try to find him.” “And then?” “He’s got the first move. I owe him that. I think I’ll try to tell him the war is over. What do you say, Mr. Wilson?” “I reckon so. I guess we all died a little in that damn war.”


Pic of the Day: “He was growing into middle age, and was living then in a bungalow on Woodland Avenue. He installed himself in a rocking chair and smoked a cigar down in the evenings as his wife wiped her pink hands on an apron and reported happily on their two children. His children knew his legs, the sting of his mustache against their cheeks. They didn’t know how their father made his living, or why they so often moved. They didn’t even know their father’s name.”


Pic of the Day: “Ready? Okay, when we get outside and we get to the horses, whatever happens, just remember one thing… hey, wait a minute.” “What?” “You didn’t see Lefors out there, did you?” “Lefors? No.” “Oh, good. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble.”


Pic of the Day: “You don’t have to do me no favors, pappy.” “If I was doing you a favor, I’d let ’em hang you right now and get it all over with. But I don’t want you to get off that light. I want you to go on, being a big, tough gunny. I want you to see what it means to have to live like a big, tough gunny. So don’t thank me yet, partner. You’ll see what I mean.”


Pic of the Day: “And Frank?” “Frank sent us.” “Did you bring a horse for me?” “Well… looks like we’re… looks like we’re shy one horse.” “You brought two too many.”


Pic of the Day: “I’ll see you in hell, William Munny.” “Yeah…”


Pic of the Day: “You’re not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?” “No, sir. This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”


Pic of the Day: “Joe, you’re under arrest.”


Pic of the Day: “Shane! Come back!”


Pic of the Day: “I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the west. Take this down. I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists!” “Could you repeat that, sir?”


Pic of the Day: “Well, you’ll have to forgive me, my kitchen ain’t in operation yet, but I could take you up to the restaurant up there if you’re hungry enough.” “I’m hungry enough I could eat a bloody horse.” “Well, at Sheehan’s place you probably will.”


Pic of the Day: “Jack, I’m going to tell you something. The world that you and Paul live in doesn’t exist. Maybe it never did… out there in the real world. And it’s got real borders and real fences, real laws and real trouble. And you either go by the rules or you lose. You lose everything.” “You can always keep something.”


Pic of the Day: “Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!”


Pic of the Day: “You risk your skin catching killers and the juries turn them loose so they can come back and shoot at you again. If you’re honest you’re poor your whole life and in the end you wind up dying all alone on some dirty street. For what? For nothing. For a tin star.”


Pic of the Day

The Great Train Robbery - 37


Pic of the Day: “A man just naturally can’t take the law into his own hands and hang people without hurtin’ everybody in the world, ’cause then he’s just not breaking one law but all laws. Law is a lot more than words you put in a book, or judges or lawyers or sheriffs you hire to carry it out. It’s everything people ever have found out about justice and what’s right and wrong. It’s the very conscience of humanity.”


Pic of the Day: “Hey, amigo! You know you got a face beautiful enough to be worth $2000?” “Yeah, but you don’t look like the one who’ll collect it.”

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 63


Pic of the Day: “Well, what’s the news in Dodge?” “Well, just about the same as always: gamblin’, drinkin’, and killin’. Mostly killin’.”


Pic of the Day: “You want me to kill my brother?” “I want you to kill your brother.”


Pic of the Day: “Let’s go back to the teepee and eat, my son. My new snake wife cooks dog very well.” “All right, Grandfather.” “She also has a very soft skin. The only trouble with snake women is they copulate with horses, which makes them strange to me. She says she doesn’t. That’s why I call her ‘Doesn’t Like Horses.’ But, of course, she’s lying.”


Pic of the Day: “I’m your huckleberry.”


Pic of the Day: “I’m the fella with the trail herd, remember?” “Oh, sure, I remember you.” “You was right. I didn’t get very far with ’em. They was rustled this evening.” “That so? Well, that’s too bad. I guess you’ll be headin’ for California, huh?” “No, I figured on stickin’ around awhile. Got myself a job.” “Cowpunching?” “Marshalin’.” “Marshalln’? In Tombstone? Well, good luck to ya, Mister…?” “Earp. Wyatt Earp.”


Pic of the Day: “If they move, kill ‘em!”


Pic of the Day: “’Blaze’ Tracy. The embodiment of the best and worst of the early West. A man-killer whose philosophy of life is summed up in the creed ‘Shoot first and do your disputin’ afterward’.”