Archive for March, 2011

The Oscar Quest: Best Actress – 1932-1933

I wanted to get in a really old race as early as possible. To show that the Academy did actually spend time growing into the traditions they have today.

At first, they had a small board that voted the best performances, and there weren’t even ballots. Then the second year there weren’t even official nominees. Then after that, they had official nominees, but it depended on how the board voted. Some years had 8 nominees for Best Picture, some had six, one had twelve. It wasn’t until 1934, the year after this one, that the standard system was formulated — 10 Best Picture nominees (5 after 1943) and 5 acting nominees. Before that, however, it was kind of arbitrary who was gonna get nominated. There were quite a few write-in nominees that came very close to winning. Back then the Academy announced some years (especially in three-person categories) who finished second and who finished third.

It’s interesting to look at these early categories, because you really do get a sense of a body building its own identity from the ground up. Also of note, since the first six years of the Academy had years that were numbered by two. You had 1927-1928, 28-29, 29-30, 30-31, 31-32 and 32-33. After this was 1934. So the way you tell what year the picture is actually for is by looking at the last one in the set. The 1932-1933 Oscars were for films released in 1933. They soon figured out that cutting off the first year makes it easier to keep track of. (more…)

Pic of the Day: “Ah dear, the young. Why do they never listen? When will they ever learn?”

The Oscar Quest: Best Actor – 1939

Since today is the birthday of the man who won this award, I figured it would be an optimal time to pick this one.

1939 is widely considered one of the best single years for movies in the history of Hollywood. You’ll understand why when we get to Best Picture, but just looking at the nominees here, you can get a pretty good understanding of why that is.

Best Picture went to Gone With the Wind, in one of the least exciting races and most deserving (if not most deserving) choices of all time. Best Director went to Victor Fleming, who was the director that lasted long enough on the film to receive the nomination. Really it was David O. Selznick’s film, but, we’ll get to the details of Best Director when we come to it. Best Actress went to Vivien Leigh — once again, probably the most deserving choice of all time there. I’m not even going to sugar coat who I’m voting for in these races. Gone With the Wind is in one of my top ten, if not top five, favorite films of all time, and, I think only a fool would argue against the brilliance that is the performance of Scarlett O’Hara. The interest when I go over them will be what else was nominated, because there is a tendency to just see — “Oh, Gone With the Wind,” and move on. There’s some great stuff nominated in the other areas as well. This wasn’t “the golden year for film” for nothing. Oh, yeah, Best Supporting Actor went to Thomas Mitchell for a little film called Stagecoach. Oh, yeah, The Wizard of Oz was up for Best Picture this year too. Just sayin’. (more…)

Pic of the Day: “I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille.”

The Oscar Quest: Best Supporting Actor – 1973

And The Oscar Quest is back.

I have a lot of categories banked up now. Since we’re out of Oscar season, I don’t need to do two categories at once. It’ll just be one at a time now. And since many of the things I want to write for this blog require many days of research, it’s nice to have things like this I can go to for a post, while I get all the good stuff prepared. Plus, this is actually the reason this blog exists. So I probably should be chronicling it as often as I can. I think what I’ll do is go back to the categories for a bit, and then if something strikes me that isn’t a major post (like the How to Read a Hollywood Release, or the script stories or whatever), I’ll just post it in addition to the category post that day. And when I feel like switching it up I’ll post something different. No one really knows when that’ll happen.

To remind you, this Quest is me, trying to see all the movies nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Director. (And I’m sure once that’s done I’ll move on to the Editing and Cinematography. Because I’m crazy like that.) It allows me to expand my viewing history as well as be able to, without guilt, say what I think should have won at the Oscars that year. It’s an ambivalent relationship — me and the Oscars. I recognize that it’s nothing more than a bullshit, back-slapping ceremony where the industry rewards people they like. They don’t care about what the public wants anymore than a filmmaker when some douchebag comes up, wanting them to read their script. On the other hand, I like the Oscars. There’s something about it that excites me. Kind of in the way people like predicting which player an NFL team is going to draft. It’s just one of those things. I realize it’s pointless, but it’s fun trying to predict things, especially when you have some sort of interest in it — I like to see the movies I like get some recognition (which then becomes, “What the fuck? How could it lose to that?”) — and I get to see a lot of, by default, well-looked upon movies I probably hadn’t known existed. And the best part — now you get to find out from me which ones the good ones are without having to do any work. Seems like a good deal to me. Everybody wins. (more…)

Pic of the Day: “I put a black widow spider underneath his mosquito net… a female, they’re the worst. It took him a whole week to die. Did I do wrong?” “Well, it wouldn’t do to make a habit of it.”

Pic of the Day: “I’ll kill all of you. To the break of dawn. To the break of dawn, baby.”

Pic of the Day: “This shitty enough for ya?” “Yes, this is perfect.”

Pic of the Day: “Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot! … Hey, you, get back here!”

Pic of the Day: “Do you see that crate? Sausages! They will eat sausages. Europeans eat sausages wherever they go.”

Pic of the Day: “We live in the trenches out there. We fight. We try not to be killed, but sometimes we are. That’s all.”

Pic of the Day: “You’re either for me or against me! You have no other choice.” “If that is the choice, then I am against you.”

Pic of the Day: “I like this job – I like it!”

Pic of the Day: “It says in the newspaper the army are making ‘strategic withdrawals.'” “Yes, I saw that. It’s a euphemism for ‘retreat.'”

Pic of the Day: “How can you read this? There’s no pictures!” “Well, some people use their imagination.”

Pic of the Day: “Now if I catch any of you dealing drugs to the community, I will not consider you a brother or a friend, can you dig it?” “Hell no, nigga!”

Pic of the Day: “Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I’m not gonna hurt ya. You didn’t let me finish my sentence. I said, I’m not gonna hurt ya. I’m just going to bash your brains in. Gonna bash ’em right the fuck in! Ha Ha Ha!”


Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day: “Did you hear about the happy Roman? He was ‘glad he ate her’.”

Pic of the Day: “You look good. The picture the police have of you doesn’t do you justice.” “What do the police know about justice?”

Pic of the Day: “That son of a bitch! Don’t get me wrong, he’s a fine writer…”

Pic of the Day: “Prepare to be amazed beyond all expectations. After all it is what I do.”

Pic of the Day: “Oh, I like this one…One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy’s sayin’, ‘Whadda ya want from me?'”